This year’s World Book Day was focused on how children are more likely to enjoy reading when their choices are championed and we make reading fun.
Children and staff were encouraged to wear a costume relating to a book character.
For the full day lessons were focused around WBD. As part of this pupils were given the opportunity to take part in a school competition where they had to create a blurb and a front cover for a book that they would like to read. Additionally, they could enter another competition for which their entries will be sent away, this involved them design a national book token.
As part of World Book Day an author called Paula Fowler visited our school to tell us what inspired her to start to write books. She lives locally and is a self-published author of Wizard Beano and Pals.
We had great fun finding out about the two books she has written so far and finding out about the characters in her stories and how she created them. The themes of the stories are friendship, adventure, helping save the planet and looking after our wellbeing. We also found out a little bit about the book she is currently writing.