School Council have been very busy in the Autumn term! Our amazing members: Logan, Hannah, Gracie, Alfie, Aariarna, Kara, Lilly, Ella and Joey were elected by their classes and we got straight on with important business! The children started by writing and typing their own biographies to introduce themselves to the rest of the school – these are proudly displayed in the hall.
One of the key jobs performed by the School Council is leading our Biddick Beliefs in assembly. The children stand in assembly on a Monday and Friday morning and take turns to read out our Biddick Beliefs which help us to learn and understand the British Values. They do this excellently and each week they are getting a bit louder and more confident.
We award Pupil of the Week certificates in assembly on a Friday morning, and this term, the School Council spent several weeks making new and improved ones. These are now being used by the rest of the school alongside the original ones.
Attendance is so important, and at Biddick Hall Junior School we want our children to come to school every day. To help with this, Mrs Collinson is starting a new initiative where coming to school will win you prizes! The School Council were asked to discuss what they thought would be good incentives for children to attend school more regularly and they came up with some brilliant ideas which Mrs Collinson took on board when designing our new attendance initiative.
Another thing the School Council are responsible for are House Points. We found that teachers were running out and having to send to the office for extras as not all classes had equal amounts. They discovered we were short on green house points, so Mrs Collinson has new house points on order. Each week the School Council starts each meeting by re-stocking class house points and this is working much better with classes now have enough for the week.
During Parliament Week, the children took part in an afternoon of activities where they learned about the role of parliament. To show democracy in action, the School Council decided to hold a vote to see what we should do on the last day of term before Christmas. The overwhelming consensus from all classes was to hold a toy day!
Finally, the School Council worked together with Mrs Rennie to create a Christmas Quiz for the children to take part in on the last day of term. The School Council members are going to be the quiz masters and deliver the quiz!
Mrs Rennie, who works with the School Council, is extremely proud of the children and she has been very impressed with their dedication, creativity and contributions. Logan, Hannah, Gracie, Alfie, Aariarna, Kara, Lilly, Ella and Joey are looking forward to having just as big an impact in the Spring Term.